Is there Hasina park in mankachar,Assam, India ?
Yes, there is a park named Hasina park, which is situated in Rangapani of mankachar,Assam, India. it was Established about 20 years ago by the local EX. MLA 21st Mankachar constituency. This is the one and only park in South Salmara Mankachar or in The south Bank.
How to go to Hasina park Mankachar ?
If you are planning to visit Hasina park then you have to go to Mankachar which is about 250 km away from Guwahati Assam. You can take direct bus from Guwahati to Mankachar. After reaching Mankachar you will have to go through Meghalaya . Because the only road that connects Mankachar and Rangapani is The state high way of Meghalaya will take about 20 minutes to reach the park from mankachar by tempu (local transport system). The fary will cost you around 50 Indian Rupee which is approximately 0.66 USD (United States dollars).
What are the The things that we will get to watch in Hasina park ,Mankachar..?
This park has all the things to make your day a good day .It's a peaceful place, If you visit there you will get to know the beauties of nature. It covers about 300m of Length. It has hill, lake, hundreds of varities of flowers, hundreds of trees and a map of India which is made up of Concrete and a Flag of India which is made up of are some of the picture of it...
What is the cost of ticket in Hasina park Mankachar ?
It doesn't cost any money for visiting this place. So that's also make this place a worthy to visit this place. If you want to then you can visit this place with you family friends and anyone you want. It's family friendly.
What is the region of making Hasina park Mankachar ?
This park was made by the ex MLA of 21 Mankachar constituency because there is no place for tourists to visit in Mankachar. Not only that if any higher officials came in Mankachar then there is no place where the local can take them to visit thats why this park is made ..
Is Hasina park,Mankachar of india named after the Pm of Bangladesh...?
No there is no connection between the park's name and the pm of Bangladesh desh the park is named after the wife of the ex MLA of 21 mankachar Constituency. So there is no connection between Bangladesh pm and Hasina park ,Mankachar.
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