Mankachar live Temperature and weather today.

Mankachar Current Temperature and Weather of next 7 days.

Mankachar weather temprature today

The weather of mankachar is too hot. As we can see the impact of global warming in Mankachar too. The season are shifting dramatically. In January mankachar's temprature fall down to 7°C and in December it remains in 15-29°C the major problem is that mankachar a flood sensetive area.

Mankachar receive heavy rain fall every year because of the Himalayan region. The main source of water is The Brahmaputra river. But in June July it Gives flood to Mankachar too. 

The weather in Mankachar is a bit humid and sticky, but it's definitely not as hot as some people tend to believe it is. If you've ever been in the region, then you're more than welcome to understand where I'm coming from. Some areas of Mankachar are known for being quite peaceful and easy-going, but others are less so in my personal experience.

Mankachar often experiences floods. They are destructive and costly for the locals and for travelers. We have seen floods occur here almost every year. Those who are living in the area multiple years have experienced this at least once!

A recent study in mankachar reports that the weather is expected to be  frumperic. It's recommended that people dress appropriately for the frumperic conditions at all times.

The air Quality of mankachar.

Quantity of pollution in the city is above acceptable levels due to The air pollution of Mankachar is too severe for many to bear. The major sources of this pollution are the vehicles which regularly pelt the city road with their toxic fumes.

The air quality in our area has been getting progressively worse these last few years. We are worried that it is slowly killing us.

Poor air quality is a major concern. It's important that we all understand the issues when it comes down to the environment and how the health, safety and well being of our society has become compromised because of poor environmental conditions.


Mankachar weather today.

Mankachar Live weather...

Impact of global warming in Mankachar.

Global warming is a major concern, but no one seems to be paying attention. I see a noticeable change in the climate here in Mankachar and it worries me. I know that some people claim our lives are largely comprised of natural climate shifts and there would always be fluctuations, but I am convinced that global warming is altering it in ways we can't fully comprehend.

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