How to earn money by monetising blogpost with domain.
Can you earn money by showing Google ads in domain...?
Yes you can show ads in domain. My this website is also a domain website but still it showing ads to user's you only need passion to write Blog and everything else will become easy.
What are the requirements to Earn money by showing google ads in your domain.
To show Google ads in your domain the 1st thing that you will need is a blogger where you have to write more then 15 blogpost which length have to be more then 2000 word. Your account must be more then 3months old or more you must have an adsense account in order to show ads in your blog post. And after that you have to connect your Blogspot account with your AdSense and after getting connected. You must have to rank you website in Google search so to do that you have to do a sitelink in your Website and make an seo to your Google site. But also there are some pages which you must have in order to show ads and those things privacy policy page, contact us page, about us page a menu bar a ads responsible them which is the most important thing.
Here are a list of things you must have in order to monetize your blogpost and earn money online...?
So here are the things that you must have in order to monetize your blog post and earn money online...
1. You blogpost must be older then 3month.
2. You must write more then 15 blog post.
3. Every blogpost must be unique and must not be copied from any other sites.
4. Each blog must be more then 2000 words.
5.You must Make your blog available in Google search.
6. You must have an ads responsible them.
7. you must have an adsense account.
8. You must not write any adult content.
9. You must connect you adsense with blogger.
10. Congratulations your blog is ready to show ads now.
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