Pubg MOBILE IS Back in India again.

Pubg is back in India.

Pubg one of the most payed and famous game of is bad in India on 30 October 2020. As per the government of India.

The game has a huge fane base in inda but the news of bane of pubg in India breaks the heart of many India fan. Famous YouTube like Carry minati, soul mortal, dynomo and many other got more the 1 million fans because of pubg . Over 175 million play store downloads only from india.

Region of pubg band in India.

Pubg is a acutely a South Korean game.
Pubg MOBILE is made with the help of Chinese company Tencent.

As per the tention grow in border between India and China in galwan ghati, the India government have band may Chinese app like tik tok, pubg , share it and many othe.

In simple words the Indian government has  band all the application because of China's dirty politics.

Pubg mobile is back.

As per we have said that pubg is not a Chinese game but some share are holder are belongs to China. 

The owner of pubg is South Korean gaming agency PUBG corporate. As because the pubg is band in India because of Tencent, so pubg decided to Cancel there deal with pubg and start a new deal with Microsoft.

Pubg MOBILE has confirmed that they are going to re-release the Game in India again but before that thay have cleared that the game will have many new changes particularly for india.


Pubg along with Microsoft have invested $100 million in India market.

The name of Pubg mobile is changed from "PUBG MOBILE " TO "PUBG MOBILE INDA" 
There are many changes made for India particularly changes such as the name.

The data base which is the major threat for india government is no more the major threat for indian government as because Microsoft promise to keep the database in inda.

Pubg mobile inda also clearly mentioned that they will not allow anyone to remove there clothes in the game.

There will be may Pubg mobile inda even in India as compared to last year.

The main reason of banding pubg is the surver threat which have already been changed from China to india in October but the Indian government has not taken any risk 

There also a High probability that new weapons would be added to india.

There will be many restrictions such as the game will not allow anyone to play more then 2 hours. This was also an older feature but as per some source it will totally restricted the play time.

Pubg also confirm that they will enable may India even to participate in their game.

Pubg is also Hearing 100 people's from india as volunteer their new game.this 100 people will get the game befor anyone.....

How to download pubg MOBILE Indian version.

To download the pubg mobile beta version, because pubg MOBILE Indian real game is not yet available, the beta version is also be available for a limited number of people who will join first will get the beta version.

First download this application clik here to download  and then searches for pubg MOBILE Indian and download pubg MOBILE Indian..

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