Guwahati to Tikrikilla Distance, bus Fare and way of journey (travaling)
Where is Tikrikilla...?
Tikrikilla 28th Feb 2022 :- Tikrikilla is a beautiful place of West garo hills district Meghalaya, India. The people of this place is too good and hospitality is also good. There is more then 10 kind of people lives here Such as Garo, bangali, Rabha, boro, Assamese, Shandar, ujani, and many more.
The Maximum number of people living here is Garo and a good number of Bangali people also lives here. The maximum number bangali people are actually from Assam's brahmaputra bank . They came accross here because of the Brahmaputra Bank erosion and settled here because the living conditions is good here.
What is the distance of Tikrikilla to guwahati and how to travel between them....?
The distance of Tikrikilla to guwahati is approximately 155 km but in case of blocked road or any other problem you can take other road but the journey will become a bit longer and enjoyable but in that case you have to rent a car which will cost more. But in case if everything is good then you can go through the main road which have minimum distance. So you will get direct bus from Tikrikilla to Guwahati wich is very rear. So you have to take the Bus of Mankachar. The Bus of mankachar is a direct bus from Mankachar to guwahati via Tikrikilla. The bus is always full of passengers it cost approx 180 for one adult person to travel from Guwahati to Tikrikilla or Tikrikilla to Guwahati via the mankachar bus. But getting the bus is also a very difficult thing you have to be in time to get the bus you will get the bus for mankachar Guwahati ISBT.
Why to take Mankachar bus ....?
Mankachar bus is the only way to go to guwahati or came from Guwahati to Tikrikilla within budget which cost approx 180 Indian Rupee. Else you can rent a car which will cost you about 3000 there for the local people use mankachar bus to travel to guwahati.
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